Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tattoos =p

I think that tattoos can be a bad thing because it will cause people to think bad of you. It may be hard to find a job.... People may discriminate you because you look different... these are the reasons why you shouldn't get a tattoo..
If it were up to me to get a tattoo I would get it in a place where people would be able to see it even though they might not like the fact that i have it. I would have to tattoo and it would be something i represent, like Peace, or A print of my father's signature so that i could always remember him and know that my father would always be with me no matter where i am.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Gold Mining

If I were a young boy working at a Mine in Africa This how my day would be and what I would be thinking......
Every morning I wake up knowing that I have to go back to the mine and work ... not for myself, but for my family... I take the long walk to the mine and get ready... because I am one of the older boys I need to go down into the mine. I have to pour mercury onto my hands because it attracts gold. As i pour the mercury i think to myself"This is so dangerous... but i must do this for my family".I then slowly lower myself into the mine... i must load rocks into the bucket so that the others can haul it up. I pace myself for a long day of doing this job... I just wish.. That one day i wont have to do this and find another way to earn money for the family. That I will give my siblings the Chance that i missed, to go to school. i wish that there would just be someone, one day that would be able to help my family....
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My Abosolutely awesome name!! =p
This is my name looks like this in SERIFCAP heehee
_ _ __ ____ ___ __ _ _ __
( ) ) ( )(_ _)( ,) ( )( \( ) ( )
) \ /__\ )( ) \ )( ) ( /__\
(_)\_)(_)(_)(__) (_)\_)(__)(_)\_)(_)(_)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
My Freakish Talents =p

HeeHee.. What kind of talents do you guys have???.... Well.... me? .... your asking me..
Well let me tell you =p.. it has something to do with cherry stems, knots, and my tongue!.. Yup you guessed it! =) I can tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue!! =D Well.. the first time i did it i was bored and my older brother bet me $5 that i couldn't do it.. But i proved him wrong... it took me like 10 minutes but i still did it!! in the end he didnt give me my money.. but im happy i discovered that talent... Sometimes when i show people they are amazed by it.. =D They tell me i have great control with my tongue.. =p i bet most of u guys can't do this =P
Thursday, September 4, 2008
no matter what you do
I will always love you
For you to know its true
You've got to be there no matter what you have to go through
For me to live life to the fullest I've go to live life with someone like you
But that can not be done because you will always and only be you
No one else can do what you can
If i fall you will always be dont care if you can or you cant
Your life your name your smile your laugh...
You complete me and that is and always be true no matter the time he century the horror...
Your life is my soul..
If you are down i am too
If you are happy let it me as the same as you
the sun/moon/love/death
The sunset beautiful as it is ..
It is a horrible thing up close.
As you think of love I think This.
It is an amzing thing as you know from the begining..
Once you get close you never know whats coming.
The only thng you know is you have a chance.
good or bad you dont need to find out..
as the sunset slips away you can follow..
but its ur choice if you must stay..
and as it comes...
the beautiful moon.
the same with the sun
you must choose
Just My thoughts
Last night as I was sleeping I started to think a lot about my future.. I started to think to myself what is important to me and why?? So I thought and thought.. I want my future to be something great.. I want to be known for doing something good to for people. I want to at least be known as a good person to the people I care about. So many things came to mind..
I thought that was bad because almost everyone I know already knows what they want to be.. I want to be when they get older! But I have so many things on mind.. I want to be great like Martin Luther King Jr. I want to make a difference in other's lives.. i want to be known like the great George Washington!! i want to do something for our society.. I want to be like Rosa Parks who is a hero to many.. I want to change the world.. I want to be like........
So everyday I've been thinking about this.... I want to be a veteranaria...and no one will stop me.. I want to be an architect .. Inspiration from my elders will guide me through this.. I want to be a teacher and make a difference in student's lives... like the great freedom writer's lives were changed by their faithful teacher.. whos name I am not sure of.. I want to be part of the ASPCA! Help save the lives of all the animals in need!I want to be a filmmaker and influence my viewers with my movies!! I want to be someone great........
you are my source
The thing I need to live
But u are about to leave
I am nothing if u are gone
The thing I need to have a life
I need u by or I will fade
My inner soul has already been gone
Now I am gone
If u are gone I am gone
If you are gone forever so am I
You are the one that guides me
Once that horrid hand has swept u away
I am swept away
My soul is destroyed
You are my reason of living
You are my source

The way she hides her love for him
He doesn't understand the way she live
She hides the way she needs him in her life
He just doesn't notice her
She always faints when she sees him
He is always after Sakura but now hes with the actual "One"
Shes happy with him now

The podcast was about a episode in naruto where saskue is fighting orichmaru.. the thinks he has killed orichimaru. Orichimaru was in pieces. then orichmaru turns into a white snake. when saskue was using sharingan. Orichimaur has paralyze the air and he lunges toward saskue. then saskue counters and kills orichimaru.2. Did the hosts do a good job of talking about Naruto? Why or why not?
I don't thnk so because they studdered a lot, and weren't so sure what to say at the beggining. they didnt sound like they really new what they were talking about.
3. What would you do different if you could host a Naruto podcast?
make sure i had a script or at least know what they would say before they actually hosted the podcast..
Men What Slobs!! NO Joke!!!
A Child Called IT


WooHoo!! SuMmEr!!!!

Book Trailers

